
403 West Union Street Adam Meyer, Director
Edgewood, IA 52042
Phone No. 563-928-6411
People dropping off and picking up students are not to park on the south side of Highway 3 or in the Woods Edge golf course parking lot. Also, there is no parking adjacent to the bus loading zone along and south of the bus garage. This will greatly improve safety by students not walking across the highway or between the buses.
There is also no parking in front of the District office because it is now part of the loading zone. Where there are yellow diagonal lines this area is for “Buses Only”. No foot traffic or other vehicle traffic is allowed. In the mornings please drop off students at the north end of the loading zone (by the District office) so the students can walk the sidewalk along the east side of the buses and have direct access to the entrance doors.
For picking up students in the afternoon, please park north of the school building in the school parking lot (again not south of Highway 3). The parking lot has been converted to “ONE WAY TRAFFIC FLOW” at all times. Traffic flow will be from the south to the north. Enter off Highway 3 and exit by the swimming pool.
Morning shuttles leave at 7:55. Please have your students dropped off a few minutes prior to that time.
Thank you to the staff, students, and district parents for your help in implementing these changes for the safety of our children.
Parents, please talk to your child(ren) about safety when crossing the road. If they are to cross the road, they may do so ONLY with bus driver’s signal.
Wait off the traveled portion of the road.
Cross only after the bus driver signals you to cross. Look both ways before crossing.
Exit the bus.
Walk five large steps forward of the bus staying on the right- hand shoulder of the road.
Stop and wait for the bus driver to see that the road is clear.
Cross only on the bus driver’s signal.
Look for traffic both ways before stepping into the left-hand lane.